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NAT: Situated Learning in Community Translation - A joint event by AUSIT and the International Community Translation Research Group

  • 16 October 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • The Comfort of your Own Space - Zoom Webinar
  • 459


  • ASLIA/NZSTI Members contact with your Membership Number to receive the registration code.

Situated Learning in Community Translation

** A joint event by AUSIT and the International Community Translation Research Group **

Online Webinar via Zoom
16 October 2021

10.00am - 12.00pm AEDT (Canb, Syd, Melb)


Part 1 - Situated learning in Community Translation (and Interpreting) Education

This part of the webinar will provide a brief introduction to situated learning in community translator (and interpreter) education. The presenter first experienced the benefits of situated learning as a student of Translation Studies at the University of Amsterdam, and then again as a student nurse at a large general hospital, also in Amsterdam. Both learning experiences left an indelible imprint on her and still shape her choices as an educator today.  This part will discuss the early beginnings of situated learning, and the concept of educators attempting to facilitate legitimate peripheral participation by a community of learners in a community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998, 2000).

The presenter will then provide a brief outline of the situation in Aotearoa New Zealand, where language-specific interpreter (and translator) education is provided in two of the country’s official languages: Te Reo Maori and New Zealand Sign Language. Translator and interpreter education at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) have been non-language specific from their inception in the late 1980s early 1990s, as courses aimed to fill the urgent demand for translators and interpreters working in a range of language pairs. The non-language specific nature of courses involves some special challenges. This part will describe some of the situated learning approaches used in non-language specific community translator education – most of which can be easily replicated in other countries.

Biography of Presenter 1 - Ineke Crezee

Ineke Crezee is Aotearoa New Zealand’s full Professor in Translation and Interpreting at the Auckland University of Technology, specialising in health interpreting and translation. In 2020, she was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) in recognition of her services to interpreter and translator education. Ineke holds degrees in Translation Studies and English from the University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam respectively, as well as a PhD in Applied Language Studies from the Auckland University of Technology (AUT). In addition, she trained and worked as a Registered Nurse in a range of healthcare settings. In 2014 she was awarded a Fulbright New Zealand Scholar Award (Public Health) and used it to travel to the United States to compare the roles of bilingual Patient Navigators and medical interpreters at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Ineke has been involved in interpreter education since 1991 when she helped develop the first healthcare interpreting course in New Zealand, in response to the recommendations of a government committee of inquiry following a series of medical misadventures in the public health system.  Ineke has been working as a freelance translator for many years, and as such has translated various (detective) novels and textbooks. She was involved in the Dutch translation of the Nursing Outcomes Classification and similar textbooks.

Ineke has published several textbooks, including Introduction to healthcare for interpreters and translators (John Benjamins, 2013). An adaptation for Spanish-speaking interpreters and translators appeared in 2015, while Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Arabic versions have appeared and Russian and Turkish iterations are in progress. She has published widely on both community interpreting and translation, and interpreter and translator education.

Ineke is co-editor of Translation and Interpreting, and as such enjoys reading the latest studies. She herself is currently involved in several research projects, involving bilingual Patient Navigators, shared pre-professional learning involving student interpreters and Speech Language Therapists, and the use of audiovisual clips and reflective blogs in health and legal interpreter education.

Part 2 - Get out of the classroom! The impact of combining community translation and service-learning in translation courses

This part of the webinar will explore how service-learning provides a unique situated learning experience that allows translation students to participate in a “community of practice”, learning by immersion and not just by internalizing knowledge. The presenter will emphasize how community translation and service-learning impact students, community members, partners, and faculty involved. This combination also allows students to develop civic responsibility, active citizenship, professional experience, readiness for the job market, self-confidence, and translation competence before graduation. The presenter will provide examples on how Spanish translation students at the University of Texas at Arlington collaborate with non-profit organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area through service-learning and community translation.

Biography of Presenter 2 - Alicia Rueda-Acedo

Alicia Rueda-Acedo is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Translation at the University of Texas at Arlington, where she created and currently directs the Spanish Translation and Interpreting program. She received her Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and she holds a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Seville and a B.A in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada. She is a Sworn Translator and Interpreter by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Alicia has worked as freelance translator and as journalist and translator trainee at the European Parliament in Brussels.

She is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Modern Languages and the recipient of the College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Teaching Award in 2014. She was inducted to the UTA Academy of Distinguished Teachers in 2015, and named 2016 COLA Professor of the Year on behalf of the Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club. In addition, she received a Certificate from the House of Representatives of the State of Texas in commemoration of receiving the Excellence in Higher Education Award from Arlington Sunrise Rotary.

Dr. Rueda-Acedo has published widely on 20th and 21st century Transatlantic Literature, on topics such as literary journalism, women authors, and history. She is the author of Miradas Transatlánticas: El periodismo literario de Elena Poniatowska y Rosa Montero (Purdue University Press, 2012), and the co-editor of Independencias, Revoluciones y Revelaciones, doscientos años de literatura mexicana (University of Veracruz Press, 2010).

She started to integrate community translation and service learning in her translation courses back in 2011. Since then, her students have translated the 2011 Toys for Tots campaign, organized by the US Marine Corps and La sweet vida, a program to tackle type-2 diabetes led by Mission Arlington. Students in her classes collaborate with Proyecto Inmigrante, a non-profit organization for immigration counseling services, and the Arlington Public Library where they translate and publish stories written by parents within a program called Stories to Our Children.

Joining the Webinar

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  16 October 2021
  Time 10.00am - 12.00pm AEDT
   Canb, Syd, Melb)


The Comfort of your own Space
Zoom online Webinar - Live




(PLEASE email to receive the code to book; you must provide your ASLIA/NZSTI membership number in your email)



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