AUSIT NSW Notice of Annual General Meeting
Student Excellence Awards
On-line via Zoom
Saturday 14 September 2024
1.30pm - 2:45pm AEST
REGISTRATIONS CLOSE 11:59pm Wednesday 11 September 2024
AUSIT Student Excellence Awards – 1.30pm – 1.45pm
Another year has passed, and a number of newly graduated students who have excelled at their T&I studies are ready to enter our profession. We will invite them to share a few words and we will welcome them to join our profession with open arms.
AUSIT NSW invites you to join us at the AUSIT Student Excellence Awards. You are encouraged to join from 1.25pm on the day, for a 1.30pm sharp start.
NSW and ACT Branches are holding a joint event "From Certification to Practitioner - A Panel Discussion (Webinar)" after the AGM. For more information and to register for this separate event, click here.
Notice of AGM
AUSIT NSW Annual General Meeting – 1.45pm - 2.45pm
The AUSIT NSW Branch will be holding its AGM, pursuant to provisions of Section 7.1.2 of the AUSIT Constitution.
If you are new to AUSIT, the AGM is an excellent opportunity to get an idea of AUSIT activities at the state level, and to participate in those activities, meet experienced practitioners and ask questions.
AUSIT members are able to claim 10 PD points in section 1.6 for participating in the AGM.
The AGM will be held via Zoom to encourage participation from practitioners all over the state.
- Opening and Apologies
- Confirmation of Previous Minutes
- Branch Report
- Election of: Chair, Secretary, Branch Delegate to National Council, Deputy Branch Delegate to National Council(if any), PD Coordinator, Membership Liaison Officer, and Committee members
- Other Business*
- Close
* Items for discussion under "Other Business" should be sent to:
Election of Branch Committee
To nominate for membership of the Branch Committee or an Office Bearer (Chair, Secretary, Branch Delegate to National Council, PD Coordinator, Membership Liaison Officer), you will need to fill out and submit a Nomination form by 10th September 2024. Please submit your completed nomination forms to
If you cannot attend, but would like to assign someone to speak and vote on your behalf, please complete the Proxy Form and send it to by 10th September 2024.
We would particularly like to invite and encourage nominations for all the positions, as well as committee members with an interest in Communications and/or Social Events. If you would like to know more, please email the branch at
For additional information or any queries, please contact the branch at
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, 14 September 2024!
This is a live webinar and will be recorded. The recording will not be made available to participants after the event.

Saturday 14 September 2024
1.30pm - 2.45pm AEST

On-line via Zoom

AUSIT Members ONLY - Free

Register HERE
Not a member of AUSIT? Join us to benefit from discounted member fees and future opportunities! When you sign up as an AUSIT Member you will pay lower fees for our Professional Development workshops and social events - Click HERE to find out more.